KRONE SD, Alufelgen, Getränke, VDI 2700, Tür fehlt

The current price is 4700 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of KRONE SD Curtainsider semi-trailer.

Check through the specification of the unit and, if needed, contact the dealer.

The production year is 2016.

Gross Vehicle Weight: 39000 kg.

Engine/driveline: diesel.

Wheel formula and suspension type: suspension: air, 3-axle, ABS, EBS, light alloy wheels.

Body: loading length: 2480 mm, loading width: 13620 mm, loading height: 2780 mm, loading volume: 93 m³.

The payload is 32750 kg.

The unit’s location is in Germany.

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